In fulfilling our mission to the community, planning is an essential element in our continued growth. It assists us in adapting to a changing environment, fulfills our vision for the future, provides a basis for allocating limited resources, and guides our work on behalf of the recipients we serve. The strategic plan is a continuation on our existing strategies and commitments to the stakeholders and communities we serve. It is recognized that there are a multitude of needs to be addressed.
Magnolia Family Services, LLC has utilized a planning process that clearly defines objectives and assesses both the internal and external landscape in order to formulate and implement system-wide strategies, as well as evaluate progress and make the necessary adjustments to stay on track and fulfill our mission. The goals and objectives are organized under three system-wide strategic categories:
1. Clinical Excellence
2. Employee Development
3. Fiscal Responsibility/Organizational Growth
State Licensed Behavioral Health Services Provider
We maintain the highest standards in the industry as an accredited provider.
Magnolia accepts Medicaid from all Healthy Louisiana plans, which include Aetna, Amerihealth, Healthy Blue, Humana, Louisiana Healthcare Connections, United Healthcare, and Magellan (for CSOC/Wrap-Around).
We customize treatment to each individual's needs and preferences; not only for what is provided, but also when and where it is provided.
We offer the most comprehensive and sustainable services available with no rigid time limits. Goals can be worked on as long as needed to ensure that everyone has enough time to reach their desired outcome.
We currently help over 1500 families a year in our community. With over 100 treatment staff members collectively providing over 60,000 sessions a year, Magnolia has one of the largest behavioral health teams in Louisiana.